How To Do Cobblers Pose to Open up Your Hips

So, How To Do Cobblers Pose to Open up Your Hips? Let’s explore! Yoga is always a great fitness routine for the mind as well as the body, to develop strength, flexibility, and stability. Yoga is always connected with nature and can be observed in the surrounding environments.

There are a lot of poses that are used in the surrounding worlds, such as Vrikshasana, Setu Bandhanasana, Dhanurasana, etc. One such yoga pose is the Badha Konasana, which is widely known as Cobbler’s pose. It is a type of hip-opening pose in yoga compared to the seating of a cobbler while at work.

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What is a Cobbler’s Pose?

Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Konasana), which is also called the bound angle pose, is an easy and meditating pose derived from traditional yoga or Hatha Yoga. This pose originated from the way cobblers sat while at work. It seems to be similar to the Butterfly pose in yoga, as the leg movement in the cobbler’s pose seems the same as the butterfly flaps.

The name Baddha Konasana can be split into three words – Baddha (Bound), Kona (Angle), and Aasana (Posture). The feature of this pose is that it helps the hips to open and strengthen as well as to stay in the seated pose.

How To Do Cobblers Pose to Open up Your Hips

Doing the Cobbler pose is quite easy, but you always need to be careful. Every yoga pose is to be dealt with very carefully because if done right, we will get the benefits; otherwise, it will result in body pain or similar difficulties to your body. So, how is it to be done? Let’s see:

How to do cobbler’s pose to open up your hips 1

Step 1:

Begin in staff pose (dandasana), sitting upright on your mat.

Step 2:

Spread your legs apart on both sides of the mat and fold your legs at the knees.

Step 3:

Make sure your feet’s outer edges are firmly in contact with one another, ideally with your parallel heels contacting the pelvic floor.

Step 4:

At this point, you might observe that the knees on either side of you are elevated. Now, using your hands to the fullest extent possible, push your knees flat on the mat while maintaining a straight back and your feet where they are.

Step 5:

If you’re a beginner and find it difficult to press lower, you can put two yoga blocks beneath both knees. This step is optional. You will be able to do this without the blocks with enough practice.

Step 6:

To be stabilized in this pose, fold your legs as flat as possible and hold your hands around your ankles.

Step 7:

Take deep breaths and try to hold once you feel you are settled in the position.

Step 8:

Make sure to take your hands from the ankles and gradually straighten each leg individually as you come out of the stance. To avoid jerks or unneeded joint pain, take your time with this action.

There is no particular duration for holding a traditional cobbler’s pose because it’s a fairly easy asana that doesn’t call for any twists or balance. For best results, some expert yogis advise holding the posture for five minutes while taking ten to fifteen breaths.

If this is a new pose for you, begin by holding it for a shorter amount of time, and then progressively challenge yourself to maintain it for longer.

What are the benefits of the Cobbler’s Pose?

Like every yoga pose, Cobbler’s Pose also comprises many benefits. It offers a range of benefits both physically and mentally and even balances our overall energy.

Stretches and Strengthens:

As it is a stretching kind of yoga pose, it helps to strengthen our muscles and stretch our spine to get a better posture. As we are folding and stretch our legs, it helps to stretch our inner thighs, knees, and groin. Also, it helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles and hip muscles to loosen up.

Helps to improve flexibility:

Performing this asana regularly in a proper way can help in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and thereby helping to open up hips. Being a basic and easy pose, it could help the aspirants to learn yoga further and make the intense hip-opening asanas simpler to do.

Helpful in menstruation in women:

It is a very beneficial pose for women in their menstrual cycle or during pregnancy, as it opens up the hips and will help reduce difficulties. During menstruation, doing this pose will help in reducing the cramps and smoothen the flow It also reduces the oxidative stress and menopause symptoms.

Increases prostate health during pregnancy:

In pregnancy, this pose will help to regulate blood pressure, strengthen the inner thighs, and improve prostate health, which can reduce complications during delivery.

Relieves stress and energizes the body:

As the body is stretched well, blood circulation is increased at the pelvic floor, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It slows the heart rate and improves intestinal efficiency.

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Tips for Opening the hips up and widening them in through Yoga

How to do cobbler’s pose to open up your hips 2
  • To improve flexibility and strength, hip-opening poses are the best. To open up and widen your hips, there are some points to be taken care of.
  • To warm up the body and get it ready for increased movement, dynamic stretches are a must before working out.
  • Stretching should be done slowly and without pushing yourself too far; instead, pay attention to your body and try to locate the “ooh” rather than the “ow.”
  • When the body experiences a tiny tug of resistance, it should be noted that the Golgi Tendon Organ Response is an early alert mechanism.
  • To loosen up your muscles and get farther into the stretch, hold out for a few breaths.

During every exercise, pay attention to your breathing to assist your body relax and open up space for a deeper stretch.

Which pose is best for weight loss?

Yoga poses not only help in strength, but they also play a role in weight loss and fitness. These poses support the development of bone mass density, fat loss, and injury prevention.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, Sarvangasana, Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana, Parivrtta Utkatasana, Dhanurasana, and Surya Namaskara are a few well-known yoga poses.

To reach a healthy weight and enhance your health, practice these poses with patience and perseverance.

FAQS about Cobbler’s Pose

What is Cobbler's Pose?

Cobbler’s Pose, or Baddha Konasana, is a yoga asana that helps to open and strengthen the hips.

How does Cobbler's Pose benefit the body?

Cobbler’s Pose stretches and strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, and helps with menstrual cramps and prostate health during pregnancy.

Is Cobbler's Pose easy to do?

Yes, Cobbler’s Pose is relatively easy, but it requires careful attention to avoid body pain or difficulties.

How long should Cobbler's Pose be held?

There is no specific duration, but holding the pose for five minutes while taking ten to fifteen breaths is recommended.

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