Nine scientifically-supported benefits of fasting have been identified. 

The immune system regenerates after prolonged fasting. The body recycles immune cells to conserve energy and fight various diseases.

Boosts immunity

According to research, reducing the risk of developing diabetes can be achieved by consuming only water for one day per week.

Lower diabetes risk

Fasting can potentially contribute to skin clearing as it allows the body to divert its energy to other systems when digestion is paused.

Healthy skin

Fasting boosts Brain-Derived Research links neurotrophic factors to brain function (BDNF). This protein makes brain stem cell neurons and neuroprotective compounds. Anti-dementia BDNF.

Brain function

Fasting lowers triglycerides, which cause high cholesterol and heart disease. Fasting shouldn't affect healthy cholesterol.

Lowers cholesterol

Adipose tissue leptin impacts post-meal mood. Fasting and weight loss may improve hunger and satiety. After eating, leptin responsiveness increases, making slimmer people feel full faster.

Weight loss

Fasting lowers bad cholesterol, controls blood volume, and normalizes blood pressure, which may improve heart muscle efficiency and blood vessel growth.

Heart health

Fasting removes pollutants by expelling energy-consuming waste. Research also shows an increase in endorphin levels, which promote happiness and well-being.

Body detoxification

Studies have indicated that intermittent fasting can help to reduce the presence of free radicals, which are known to contribute to the aging process.

Delays ageing